What is Osteopathy?

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2023
Osteopaths are highly trained professionals who specialize in diagnosing musculoskeletal injuries and aiding patients on their path to recovery. 
When you have your initial appointment with an osteopath, here's what you can expect:
First, they will delve into your medical history, asking you a series of questions to understand your condition better. You'll provide detailed information about your issue. 
Next, they will conduct a thorough examination, focusing on the areas of concern. They may perform specific tests to pinpoint the root causes of your problem. 
Following the examination, they will provide you with a report of findings. This report will outline what seems to be causing your issue and provide a diagnosis, as well as a working diagnosis. Based on this, they will develop a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. 
Typically, this treatment plan will include hands-on treatments, exercises, and advice related to your specific situation. If there are factors contributing to your injury that cannot be eliminated, your osteopath will continue to work with you to manage pain and discomfort effectively. 
If you would like more information on how we can assist you, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

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