What is causing my foot pain?


There can be many reasons why you're suffering from foot pain. Here is Joanna with a quick explanation of what might be causing this pain.

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Do Osteopaths only treat backs?


Osteopaths treat much more than just your back.  They can also help with many different issues including bursitis, sprains and strains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, Plantar fasciitis and much more. In this video Joanna explains more about what an osteopath could do for you.

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Cram Osteopaths - Osteopath In Glasgow


We have 3 clinics based in and around Glasgow.  We can provide treatment for back pain, joint pain, slipped discs, plantar fasciitis and many more conditions.  We use the most up to date treatments to help provide care, including shockwave treatment and IDD therapy.

For more information then please call on 0141 339 0894 and one of our team will happily speak to you to discuss your individual needs.

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