Is Osteopathy suitable for someone with Osteoporosis?

Each osteopathic treatment is tailored to your specific needs and this is the same for someone who has been diagnosed with osteoporosis.  At your first appointment this will be discussed in detail so you are fully aware of how we will cater your treatment to your individual needs.
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Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month

Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month
Here is Joanna with some more information on how we can help you at Cram osteopaths if you have been diagnosed with Osteoporosis.
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What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis in its simplest form is brittle bones, the main areas that can be affected are hips and the spine. Coming to see an osteopath can be beneficial for someone who has been diagnosed with osteoporosis by helping to treat the symptoms, like reduced movement throughout the body.
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Can Osteopathy help with the symptoms of MS?

MS Awareness Week 24th-30th April
Osteopathy can be beneficial to help improve the symptoms of MS by improving joint mobility, reducing muscle tension, helping with balance issues and aiding good posture.
If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with MS and would like to hear more about the benefits of Osteopathy then please contact us on 0141 3390894 to find out more.
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What can I do to help cope with stress?


Here is Joanna with some easy distraction techniques to help cope with stress.
If you want to kick stress to the curb this spring, simply get in touch with our team we will get you booked in.

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What are the best foot mobility exercises?


We are nearly at the end of March so we wanted to share some easy foot exercises. These can be done daily and can help with general foot tightness and joint mobility.

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Shockwave Treatment for Mortons Neuroma

’The difference is night and day’
Caroline has had shockwave therapy for Morton’s Neuroma. She would highly recommend this treatment to anyone who might be suffering.
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Do Osteopaths only treat backs?


Osteopaths treat much more than just your back.  They can also help with many different issues including bursitis, sprains and strains, tendonitis, tennis elbow, Plantar fasciitis and much more. In this video Joanna explains more about what an osteopath could do for you.

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Patient review for osteopathy at Cram osteopaths


We love to see our patients doing so well after a course of treatment.  Sharon was kind enough to share her experience at Cram osteopaths after coming to us and having a course of 'hands on' treatment over the last few weeks.  Pain of any kind can be so isolating and in Sharon's own words 'I've been able to get my independence back'  Thank you Sharon for sharing your experience with all of us.


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How to get walking more

news Jun 15, 2022

Walking can be one of the best things that you can do to help get yourself moving and rehabilitating yourself from back pain that you’re suffering. One of the things that we say in the practice or the tips that we recommend is that if someone comes in with an acute low back problem and they’re struggling to move around once you’re up on your feet again and you’re able to walk then that’s what we really try to encourage.
However you can overdo it. What we want you to do is be up and moving and walking around for 10 or 15 minutes in every hour. This especially applies for the people that are sitting down, who’ve got a desk based job.
Now, one of the things that you can do is set your alarm for 50 minutes or a timer for 50 minutes. You leave it in another room or across the other side of the room when that alarm goes off after 50 minutes, that’s your cue to get up and move around.
If your phone is next to you,...

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